A brief discussion on the causes of fuzzy characters in puzzle books printing manufacturer

puzzle books printing manufacturer https://www.thpkgg.com/Puzzle-books.html

If you look at a puzzle books printing manufacturer, you might see some little black dots and blurring on the page, These phenomena are the puzzle books printing manufacturer often said dirty plate, paste plate and flower plate. If a puzzle books printing manufacturer appears black dots and fuzzy writing, it will affect the quality of the entire puzzle books printing manufacturer, which will affect the corporate image problem.

One, dirty version

1, with the contact pressure between the ink roller and the plate is too small, so that the water transfer is not smooth and uneven, and the layout ink is small, resulting in dirty plate phenomenon.

Solution: The contact pressure between them should be adjusted at this time.

2, the pressure between the water roller and the water roller is too tight, will make the plate liquid is squeezed and retained on the water roller and the water roller, resulting in abnormal water supply and dirty plate phenomenon.

Solution: The pressure between them should be adjusted;

3, when the velvet sleeve is installed, there is no uniform flat at both ends and in the middle, and the sewing is done after the tension, resulting in uneven thickness affecting the normal moistening plate;

Solution: velvet sleeve lint wear badly, water absorption, water transfer performance is poor, abnormal water supply is also the source of dirty version, should be re-sewn velvet sleeve to make it uniform thickness, wear velvet sleeve should be replaced in time;

Second, paste version

1, the pressure between the roller water and the plate is too small or too large; The pressure between the water roller and the water roller is not comfortable, which will cause the paste plate due to insufficient and uneven water transmission.

Solution: Adjust the right pressure between them.

2. There is oil on the surface of the bucket roller, which affects the normal water transfer and causes paste.

Solution: Scrub the bucket roller.

3, the pressure between the water transfer roller and the water bucket roller and the water roller is too small, so that the moistening liquid can not be transmitted, resulting in paste plate phenomenon.

Solution: Adjust the pressure between them.

4. The velvet sleeve of the water roller is badly worn and the corner of the water bucket roller is small or the speed is too slow, etc., which will also cause paste due to insufficient water supply.

Solution: Replace the new velvet sleeve, increase the rotation Angle of the water bucket roller to improve the speed.

Three, flower version

1. The pressure between the water roller and the plate is too large, which aggravates the friction damage to the plate film and causes the flower plate.

Solution: Manage stress.

2, the layout of the liquid supply is too large resulting in flower version.

Solution: By reducing the rotation Angle of the bucket roller or reducing the speed of the bucket roller, to prevent the situation of flower.

3. Too much acidity of the moistening solution will damage the surface of the printing plate and cause flower plate failure.

Solution: Dilute the water liquid concentration and reduce its ph value. The ph value of the general ps version is between 5-5.5.

puzzle books printing manufacturer https://www.thpkgg.com/Puzzle-books.html


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